Author: Jeffrey04
Remaking a rule-engine DSL
A few years ago, I reimplemented a domain-specific language (DSL) originally designed for the rule engine at work. The toy reimplementation was written in Javascript (originally in Python), and released to GitHub. I did not expect it to do much, as it was specifically designed for a very specific use-case I should not reveal. The…
Building a desktop launcher
I still use QuickSilver on my mac, despite there are multiple efforts attempting to displace it. There used to be one made for Linux, called Gnome Do, however the development eventually stopped. I settled for the built-in launcher in Gnome Shell, and then briefly moved on to rofi with this configuration. One thing I liked…
Implementing breadth-first search in low-level setting
This is a follow-up article on my play through of Exapunks, feel free to read the prologue to this series to learn about the background. In this article, we will briefly talk about implementing a recursion in a low-level setting. As we know, we can do a simple recursion easily with languages like Python, as…
Practicing Low Level Programming with Games
In my day-to-day work, I mostly communicate with computers through high-level languages. High level languages are designed such that instructions are written with a small subset of vocabulary we use in day-to-day life. For instance, we use the keyword for / while / map etc. to repeat certain operations, defining function or subroutine for repeatable…
Attending an Open Government Workshop
Earlier in the year, I was invited to work on a project to archive and parse legislative data from the website of Selangor Assembly. It was the technical side of the project, where we demonstrate some of the benefits that may be achieved if the data was published in structured form. In the past weekend,…